For those of you who don't know Kiara's story - here it is:
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Full of Sadness
I would like to give everyone an update on where my pregnancy is at this point. On Monday January 22nd we had our big hospital ultra-sound. Within only a few hours we received a phone call from my OBGYN stating that things 'didn't look right' on the ultra-sound and that we needed to have a follow-up the next day in Eugene. During this time it was discovered that our baby had Holoproscencephaly.....and one of the most severe cases. Basically what this means is that her brain and facial area did not develop properly and as a result she also has a fatal heart condition. If you would like to find out more about this condition you can browse this website: We were notified that she will not make it full term - maybe only another 2-6 weeks (I was 19 weeks at the time). We had an amniocentesis in hopes of finding out more behind the reason for this happening. In most cases it is just a fluke that happens when the sperm and egg join and the baby then gets too many or not enough chromosomes. We were told that it looks like the baby was a GIRL, but one condition of this disease is that the genitals do not form as quickly as normal, so the amnio will give us a definite. As for now we are calling her Kiara Mae! She will be leaving my womb at 19 weeks 4 days but will always be in our hearts!!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thanks from Kiara
I wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who has been supporting me through this awful time! It means so much to me to know that I have so much support! The comments, messages and flowers have brought smiles to my face many times now! We will be picking Kiara's cremation up either today or tomorrow - so now we can get on with the emotional healing! I did get a little more information regarding her condition after getting results from the amnio. Her birth defect (called Holoprosencephaly) was caused by Trisomy 13 which is a presence of a third (extra) number 13 chromosome. Kiara's case was one of the worst (called Alobar) and the radiologist said in 20 years it was the first time she had ever seen cyclopia (a single central eye) and proboscis (nose located on the forehead). This being the case we know that Kiara Mae is in a much better place where God intended her to be! Thank you again to everyone for there well wishes!!!
Final Goodbye
My final day with Kiara Mae:
R.I.P. My Sweet Angel:
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