Oh - and he insisted on running around naked today while potty training. Whatever works right?
*Taken with cell phone
*Taken with cell phone
Took Zoie to the vet yesterday. Wasn't really a pleasant one. We discussed in depth her attitude problems lately and her biting. She has so many problems no wonder she has an attitude. Her left ear is infected, she has dermatitis, she has a large baseball sized lipoma on her lower belly (near her back left leg) and the vet suspects she might have cushings disease. He did some blood work on her, gave me something to treat her ear, told me what shampoo I shoud use for her skin allergies and so on. Now we wait for the blood work to come back.
* You can see the tumor a little in this picture.
We got Kubota a shock collar now too:
Hopefully this will help with his chewing on things (and other problems).
Brayden got a wonderful Valetine gift from the T4J's (Jeff, Juan, Jade, Jordyn & Taylor). He loved the candy but I think his favorite part was the Disney Cars blanket he got. He is a real blanket boy (can probably blame that on me). Here he is snuggled in his blanket watching a movie on his computer:
Thanks for the snugglie Gee (aka Jade)☻
Here is Brayden Valentine morning showing me his skittles ♥:
Here he is laying across the table with all his goodies:
We didn't do anything to exciting. We went and got new tires for the Tahoe which were very needed. Then went to my dad's house to hang out just for the fun of it.
I didn't get Bart much - just some candies and such but was pleasantly surprised by his gift to me. Inside the *naughty* card he got me was a $100 gift card for tanning! Can't wait to use that!!!!!!!!
I FINALLY got a cabinet to use for pantry storage. We do have a pantry area with an extra fridge but it gets really hot/cold with the weather so I wanted something inside that would keep the food a little nicer (especially once it is open). Here it is (door to the left goe to the ACTUAL pantry):
Here is Brayden trying to tape himself inside the box it came in:
Where did he go lol:
Finally got my old computer up and running. Who would have known it was going to be such an easy fix that I could do it myself with NO COST (thanks to info from Jasco)! We got it all set up for Brayden (and daddy) right next to mommy's:
He has the Fisher Price internet launch pad which he loves. Also has 2 computer disk games (Jump Start Toddler & Preschool) which he enjoys to. He got the FP Digital Arts & Crafts studio for Christmas from Nanny but we are having problems hooking it up. I am sure once it gets going it will be his favorite. He is DYING to get it working. Hopefully next week!
One of the Gymboree parent chat groups I am on set up a Valentine Exchange for the kids. Brayden was SO excited when he got his. The mailman knocked on the door and when he handed me the box it started making noise. You should have seen the look on Brayden's face. He couldn't wait to open it. He got a new orange shake n go car and some silly putty. Also included was a nice surprise for me.....a super soft comfy pair of socks!
Thanks Renee!
Took Brayden to get a haircut today because he was going to be having his pictures taken. He was being so naughty this time and would NOT hold still. I don't know what his problem was cause he use to be really good (just a little wiggly). This hole is the result: