Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is Brayden Valentine morning showing me his skittles ♥:Photobucket

Here he is laying across the table with all his goodies:Photobucket

We didn't do anything to exciting. We went and got new tires for the Tahoe which were very needed. Then went to my dad's house to hang out just for the fun of it.

I didn't get Bart much - just some candies and such but was pleasantly surprised by his gift to me. Inside the *naughty* card he got me was a $100 gift card for tanning! Can't wait to use that!!!!!!!!

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About Me

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I am a mommy to my son Brayden (4-13-2005) and Baby Angel Kiara Mae (1-27-07). I am a Pure Romance consulant ( I am engaged to Bart and we have been together for.......a long time. LOL!