Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentine's Surprise

One of the Gymboree parent chat groups I am on set up a Valentine Exchange for the kids. Brayden was SO excited when he got his. The mailman knocked on the door and when he handed me the box it started making noise. You should have seen the look on Brayden's face. He couldn't wait to open it. He got a new orange shake n go car and some silly putty. Also included was a nice surprise for me.....a super soft comfy pair of socks!



Thanks Renee!

This is a little later in the day when he wanted to read me a book:

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About Me

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I am a mommy to my son Brayden (4-13-2005) and Baby Angel Kiara Mae (1-27-07). I am a Pure Romance consulant ( I am engaged to Bart and we have been together for.......a long time. LOL!