Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday DiSean

My nephew DiSean's birthday is on April 4th - but since he had basketball that day we weren't able to celebrate his birthday. So he decided that today we should all meet at Sizzler for his birthday dinner.

Daddy and Brayden ready for dinner in there matching shirts:

Something was funny:


The Birthday Boy:

Brayden & his cousin DiSean:

I let the kids use my camera and they took some crazy pictures. I will only post a few but there were about 10 of them.

I am pretty sure he took this picture of himself:

Then NiKi preceeded by taking a picture of herself:Photobucket

Happy Birthday DiSean!!!

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I am a mommy to my son Brayden (4-13-2005) and Baby Angel Kiara Mae (1-27-07). I am a Pure Romance consulant ( I am engaged to Bart and we have been together for.......a long time. LOL!