Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NiKilie's Basketball Game

Cousin NiKi had her FIRST basketball game of the season. Thought it would be fun to take Brayden to watch....plus NiKi is so cute I couldn't pass it up. Last year during BittyBall we were calling her 'Paris' (aka Paris Hilton) cause they all just ran around clueless...but she looked adorable doing it. I was wondering what she would be like this year and she was of course still cute as ever - but less Paris like. I think her favorite thing to do was steal the ball then run down the court for a basket. It was SO cute.....and basiclly all they did. I still think they are pretty clueless to the game. He he he.

Got Brayden looking all cute for the game but of course he again wouldn't let me take a picture:

Prepping for the game:

Posing for a picture - she always has time for that:

Getting ready to take it down the court:

Going for the shot:

Looking a little tired and confused:


Crazy girls:

Brayden got impatient so we didn't stay for the whole game. Not really a big deal though cause at this age they don't keep score anyway. I am going to try and be better about going to more of them this season.....but we shall see.

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I am a mommy to my son Brayden (4-13-2005) and Baby Angel Kiara Mae (1-27-07). I am a Pure Romance consulant (www.kristinstutzman.pureromance.com). I am engaged to Bart and we have been together for.......a long time. LOL!